Origin Levels

The “Owls of Origin” are exactly that. The original Owls were first found on the Island of Aura by Hugo.

The lower the Origin level number the more magical your owl can be. Level 1 has an advantage over level 5 for example.

The origin level of your Owl will determine its statistical edge in getting magical characteristics.

For example, a level 1 owl has a higher chance of getting magical characteristic status than a level 10. Each level has a different statistical chance of achieving magical status. The closer the level of your owl to the rarest genesis level (Level 1) the higher the chance of obtaining magical status. Phonix Owls have a greater chance, at the same level, of obtaining magical status as opposed to Barn, Eagle and Screech Owls. For example, a Phoenix level 6 Owl has a greater chance of getting magical status than any regular breed. This statistical advantage is why Phoenix Owls are more valuable and rarer than regular Owls.

Lowest Origin Levels

The lowest Origin level that will ever be created is a level 50. This limit is in place to ensure the bloodline of the Owls of Origin is maintained and to avoid lower-level Owls from breeding with each other. This is limit is enforced in the breeding element of the contract.

Probability Levels

Below are the probability tables of all the Owls. These tables depict the statistical advantage a Phoenix Owl has over any other breed.

Phoenix Owl Probability Table

Regular Owl Probability Example

Probability Examples

A Level 1 Phoenix Owl has a 92.50% chance of getting Magical status as opposed to a Barn, Eagle or Screech Owl (Regular Breed) with an 85% chance of getting Magical status.

The rate at which the probabilities diminish from one level to the next also differs between Phoenix Owls and regular Owls. For example, a Level 2 Phoenix Owl, with an 89.50% of magical status results in a decrease of the likelihood of 3% whereas a regular breed owl decreases by 3.50% from Level 1 to 2.

Regular Owls also have a higher chance of getting a lower characteristic status as opposed to Phoenix owls. For example, a level 11 regular breed has a 15% chance of being allocated Average status, whereas a phoenix owl only has a 7.5% chance of this status.

As you move down levels the chances that you will obtain a higher status is reduced. This motivates breeders to breed with higher-level Owls.

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