
To explore the Island of Aura and to ensure that new players are able to join our ecosystem we need to Breed Owls of Origin. Breeding Owls is also an income-generating opportunity as any Children Owls created from breeding can be sold on the open marketplace, for prices determined by the players.

What is breeding?

Breeding Owls of Origin results in the creation of “Children Owls” and involves pairing together two Owls in the incubator (to be released).

What are Children Owls?

There will only ever be 449 Owls of Origin, and no more will ever be created.

Children Owls are the result of pairing together two Owls of Origin in breeding. Children owls differ from Owls of Origin in one major way. Children Owls can be sold on the open marketplace, unlike with Owls of Origin that can only ever be staked for.

Children Owls can be bred together to create further Children Owls (grandchildren, great-grandchildren etc.) The level of a child owl can never be great than level 50.(See breeding limitations).

Breeding Limitations

Breeders will not be able to breed Owls together who have either one or two parents or grandparents in common.

This means that brothers and sisters, as well as half brothers and sisters, can not breed together. Grandchildren can also not be bred together.

This limit is to facilitate interaction between players and prevent “inbreeding” which would be anti-competitive from an economic point of view and destructive from a genetic point of view, as in nature.

Owls can only be bred once every 14 days. This is to limit the available amount of Owl NFTs on the marketplace and balance supply and demand. Just as in reality, beings need a recovery period after giving birth, so do our Owls. An Owl cannot be bred for the first 21 days of its existence. Just like in nature, beings need to reach maturity before they can carry offspring, so do our owls. This is also to limit the available amount of Owl NFTs on the marketplace and balance supply and demand. For example, if an Owl was created through breeding or minting on the 1st of January, the earliest it could be used in breeding activities is the 22nd of January. The lowest Origin level that will ever be created is a level 50. This limit is in place to ensure the bloodline of the Owls of Origin by avoiding low-level Owls from breeding with each other. This is limit is enforced in the breeding element of the contract.

Breeding Calculations

Origin Level Calculation

The origin level of any child owls will be calculated by adding the levels together of the parent owls.

For example, if Parent 1 is level 4 and Parent 2 is level 7, the resultant Child Owl would be Level 11 - the sum of the parents’ levels.

The highest level that can be created through breeding is level 50 and if the sum of the parent levels is greater than 50. The breeding pair will be rejected.

For example, a Level 1 Owl can be bred with a level 49 Owl as the resultant child would be a level 50 Owl (1+49), however, a Level 30 Owl can not breed with a level 28 Owl as the resultant child would be a level 58 Owl (30+28) and 58 is greater than the maximum permitted level. (See breeding limitations).


Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

Parent 1




Parent 2




Resultant Child Owl




Within Limitations


Not Permitted*


*Not permitted as the resultant child owl level exceeds 50.

Breed Determnation Calculations

Phoenix owls are the rarest Owls, and their genes are recessive. The only way to assure a child owl will be a Phoenix owl is to breed two Phoenix Owls together where parent 1 and 2 are both Phoenix Owls.

When breeding if both parents are of the same breed, the child owl will be the same breed as the parents.

When crossing Barn, Eagle or Screech Owls (Regular Breeds) the child owl has a 50% chance of being the same breed as parent 1 and a 50% chance of being the same breed as parent 2 as the genes of regular breed owls are equal to each other.

When crossing a phoenix owl with a Barn, Eagle or Screech Owls (Regular Breed) , the child owl has a 75% chance of being a regular breed owl and a 25% chance of being a phoenix owl. This is because the Phoenix gene is recessive.

The below breeding table depicts the odds as stated above.

Characteristic Determination Calculation

The characteristic level allocated to each child owl will depend on:

  • The origin level of the parent owls and

  • The breed of the parent owls

Just as with nature, children generally take on similar characteristics to those of their parents and the same applies to our owls.

When two parents owls have bred together the first thing that is calculated of the child is the level that the child is going to be, based on the origin level calculation. (See details above)

The second thing that is calculated of the child is the breed that the child is going to be, based on the breed determination calculations. (See details above).

Once it has been determined what level and breed the child owl is going to be the characteristics are determined based on the probability table applicable to the Level and breed of the child owl. (See origin level probability tables)

Example 1: Both parents are the same regular breeds

If Parent 1 is level 4 and Parent 2 is level 7. The resultant Child owl would be Level 11 - the sum of the parents’ levels.

If Parent 1 and 2 are Barn Owls the child owl will be a barn owl (regular breed).

The characteristic calculation would look at which table is applicable (in this case a Barn Owl is a regular breed owl and therefore the regular breed probability table would be used.) The calculator would then look at the appropriate level, in this case, Level 11.

The characteristics of the child owl would therefore be allocated randomly based on the following probabilities.

Origin Level
Below Average





This means that the resultant child owl would have a 47.50% chance of achieving magical status, 37.50% of legendary status and a 15% chance of average status for each one of the characteristics (Claw size, Wingspan and Sight)

The above probability table is applied to each characteristic, therefore it is possible to obtain a child owl with Magical claw size, Legendary Wingspan and Average Sight.

Example 2: Both parents are the same phoenix OWLs

If Parent 1 is level 4 and Parent 2 is level 7. The resultant Child Owl would be Level 11 - the sum of the parents’ levels.

If Parent 1 and 2 are Phoenix Owls the child Owl will be a Phoenix Owl.

The characteristic calculation would look at which table is applicable (in this case the Phoenix Owl probability table would be used) The calculator would then look at the appropriate level, in this case, Level 11.

The characteristics of the child owl would therefore be allocated randomly based on the following probabilities.

Origin Level
Below Average





This means that the resultant owl would have a 59% chance of achieving magical status, 33.50% of legendary status and a 7.50% chance of average status for each one of the characteristics (Claw size, Wingspan and Sight)

The above probability table is applied to each characteristic, therefore it is possible to obtain a child owl with Magical Claw size, Legendary Wingspan and Average Sight.

Example 3: One parent is regular breed while the other one is phoenix breed

If Parent 1 is level 4 and Parent 2 is level 7. The resultant Child owl would be Level 11 - the sum of the parents’ levels.

If Parent 1 is a Barn owls and parent 2 is Phoenix Owl the child owl has a 75% chance of being a barn owl and a 25% chance of being a Phoenix Owl. (See breed determination calculations).

If we assume that the child owl created was a Phoenix owl - The characteristic calculation would look at which table is applicable (in this case the Phoenix probability table would be used). The calculator would then look at the appropriate level, in this case, Level 11.

The characteristics of the child owl would therefore be allocated randomly based on the following probabilities.

Origin Level
Below Average





If we assume that the child owl created was a Barn owl.

The characteristic calculation would look at which table is applicable (in this case a Barn Owl is a regular breed owl and therefore the regular breed probability table would be used.).

The calculator would then look at the appropriate level, in this case, Level 11.

The characteristics of the child owl would therefore be allocated randomly based on the following probabilities.

Origin Level
Below Average





Last updated

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